A CEU program is defined as a live program including but not limited to health care facility sponsored in-service, conference, seminar, symposium or workshop in which the CSA attends CEU lectures.
1775 Eye Street NW, Suite 1150, Washington, DC 20006info@nsaa.net
The Continuing Education Policies for the CSA is provided for CSAs participating in Continuing Education Units (CEU). CSAs must adhere to these high standards, established by the profession to ensure the ongoing educational development of individual practitioners and to demonstrate to the public the profession's commitment to providing the highest level of quality surgical patient care. The National Surgical Assistant Association (NSAA) is recognized by the National Commission for the Certification of Surgical Assistants (NCCSA) as the responsible authority for the approval of CEU programs for the CSA, including responsibility for CEU credit processing and maintenance, which is subject to NCCSA audit or verification.
The NCCSA is the responsible authority for all aspects of the certification process including examination eligibility criteria, examination fees, renewal requirements and renewal fees. The NSAA and the NCCSA work collaboratively on the development of the Continuing Education Policies for the CSA.
A CEU program is defined as a live program including but not limited to health care facility sponsored in-service, conference, seminar, symposium or workshop in which the CSA attends CEU lectures.
Enduring material is non-live and includes but is not limited to hard-copy or electronically delivered CEU articles that have a post-article CEU exam; online health care facility tests; online CEU lectures, or any electronic means that has post-article CEU exams.
You must include verifying documentation of all CEU credits reported (e.g., certificate of completion, attendance verification forms). All documentation can be uploaded, sent by FAX, or scanned and sent as an E-mail attachment to NSAA.
NSAA Member submissions of NSAA CEUs with verifying documentation: No Charge
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If NSAA membership lapses for more than 60 days the CEU credits earned while a member will be maintained and recorded by NSAA; however, CEU credits earned as a non-member are subject to a non-member processing fee when submitted to NSAA.
Medscape | Baylor College of Medicine | CE Medicus | Synthes | Stryker Sustainable Solutions
NetCE | Pfiedler Enterprises | Skeletal Simulations | ALSCP
NSAA does not endorse any of the above links. We post them for your information only.
Online certifications are relatively new to the medical community despite the continued successes of online courses offered through Universities and Colleges. The ALSCP's BLS certification course is created in accordance with AHA guidelines and whereas final approval is up to your employer or Medical Staff office.