1775 Eye Street NW, Suite 1150, Washington, DC 20006info@nsaa.net
1775 Eye Street NW, Suite 1150, Washington, DC 20006info@nsaa.net
Mary Armstrong, CSA, LSA
Committee Chairman
Virginia Beach, VA
The Bylaws, Parliamentary Policy and Procedures Committee reviews all proposed additions, revisions and deletions to the NSAA Bylaws and forward their review to the NSAA Board of Directors. Also this committee reviews designated policies that are in question or are proposed for adoption or deletion to determine appropriateness, clarity, redundancy, and/or conflict with other policies or bylaws.
Kevin Rush CSA
Lubbock, TX
Debbie Kwasny CSA, LSA
Chesapeake, VA
Helga Olson, M.Sc., CSA, CSFA
Committee Chairman
Rochester, MN
The Continuing Professional Development & Education Committee has responsibility for developing policy and program recommendations for the Association continuing professional education program and for working collaboratively with the National Commission for the Certification of Surgical Assistants (NCCSA) to implement this policy and program recommendations. This committee shall review, advise and make recommendations on matters related to programs of Continuing Professional Development. The Committee shall promote policies that assure the Continuing Professional Development programs meet or exceed the standards of the NCCSA's requirements for the recertification of the CSA certification.
Solomon Hailemichael CSA LSA
Springfield, VA
Stacey Twisdale CSA, LSA
Norfolk, VA
William Barris Sr., RSA, CSA
Committee Chairman
Zion, IL
The function of the Finance Committee is to ensure the Association's financial stability and member services by providing oversight on its budget, investments, product sales and fundraising events. The primary role of the Finance Committee is to provide the expertise needed to assure the Board that the Association is on sound financial footing. To perform this role effectively, this committee works as a team with the CAO and office staff, as well as accountants, auditors, bankers and other financial professionals. The chairman of the Finance Committee is the sitting Treasurer of NSAA's Board of Directors. The Finance Committee does not relieve other Board members of responsibility for the financial well-being of the Association.
Marvin Dozier
Lake Worth, FL
Ephraim Gilkes
G&E Management Consulting
Houston, TX
Luis F Aragon, CSA, RSA, LSA
Committee Chairman
NCCSA Liaison
Mokena, IL
The Government & Advocacy Committee provides advocacy direction and guidance for the development of the governmental affairs programs of the association; providing oversight of all governmental affairs activities to maximize effective efforts and to ensure consistency of positions. Responsibilities include:
James Herzog, CSA
Mesa, AZ
Stephanie Wall CSA
Hanover, MD
Edward Simpson CSA
La Plata
This committee's sole responsibility is finding the best candidates to fill vacant board positions within the National Surgical Assistant Association. It is responsible for planning, executing, and recording the annual NSAA election process according to "Roberts Rules of Order". In this capacity, the Nominations and Elections Committee is charged with soliciting and validating nominations for vacant NSAA Board of Directors positions. The Committee sets the timing for the election, calls for Nominations, validates eligibility of nominees for each position, creates the ballot, oversees the election process, and validates election results.
The Nominations and Elections Committee shall consist of three (3) members. The Chair of the committee will be the immediate Past President of the NSAA, and the Committee Chair shall appoint the remaining Two (2) members. In the event that the Past President cannot serve in this capacity, the committee Chair shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. In soliciting nominations and preparing a slate of candidates, the Committee shall strive for balanced representation of geographical distribution and professional experience to insure that NSAA elections reflect fairly the diverse constituency of its membership.The Committee will request a brief biographical statement from each candidate. The Nominations and Elections committee will validate qualifications for candidates nominated for each position, based on their biographical sketch as well as history of membership in the NSAA.The Nominations and Elections Committee will be responsible for creating and issuing the official election ballot, which will include space for write-in candidates. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall tally the ballots and send the results to the Secretary, who shall promptly notify all candidates of the results. Names of newly elected members shall be announced on the NSAA Website, in the CSA Node, and at the Annual Conference.Ballots shall be destroyed following formal announcement of the results. A nominee receiving the highest number of votes for an office shall be elected to that office.In the event of a tie vote, the current Board of Directors will vote to break the tie. If this vote results in a tie, then the current President will cast the deciding vote.