1775 Eye Street NW, Suite 1150, Washington, DC 20006info@nsaa.net
1775 Eye Street NW, Suite 1150, Washington, DC 20006info@nsaa.net
Each Surgical Assistant who has been certified by the National Commission for the Certification of Surgical Assistant is required to recertify every two years. The recertification, period begins upon successful completion of the CSA examination. NSAA members in good standing qualify for recertification by submission of Continuing Educational Units (CEUs); a total of 50 CEUs are required over a two year period. These CEUs may be earned in the following ways:
All CEUs (50) must be earned within the two year recertification period and submitted 30 days prior to recertification date. If a Certified Surgical Assistant is unable to submit the required 50 CEUs, he or she must submit a written request for an extension to the Board of Directors. THIS MUST BE DONE 60 DAYS PRIOR TO THEIR CERTIFICATION EXPIRATION DATE.
The Education Committee will review the request for extension, and if granted, will extend the period for 30 days. Only CEUs earned and documented during the two-year period will be accepted. The new recertification period begins at the end of the previous period, NOT AT THE END OF THE EXTENSION GRANTED.
A maximum of 25 CEU's may be carried over to the next recertification period.
The examination for the Certified Surgical Assistant (CSA) is handled exclusively by the National Commission for
the Certification of Surgical Assistants (NCCSA). The NCCSA is a separate entity from the NSSA, which focuses on continued
professional development and education of CSAs. Any questions and inquiries about existing policies, rules, regulations
and deadlines relating to certification or recertification should be addressed to the NCCSA, using the information below.
National Commission for the Certification of Surgical Assistants
300 Colonial Center Pkwy., Suite 100, Roswell, GA 30076
Toll Free: 866-711-7733 | Fax: 678-623-9943
info@csaexam.com | www.csaexam.com
The Orthopedic Advisory Council ("OAC") and the Plastic & Reconstructive Advisory Council ("PRAC") of the NSAA invites you to join a growing membership within the NSAA. If at least 50% of your practice is in one of these specialties, we encourage you to apply for the special designation of Fellow.
If accepted as an F-OS or F-PRS, you will receive special recognition within NSAA and will be entitled to use the credential behind your name. In addition, members of these groups will be encouraged to network about appropriate CEU's that are available and about new techniques. This will be a group within an organization that you can trust when sharing your achievements in your specialty.
As you are already aware, one of the primary purposes of the NSAA is to improve the professional standing of all its members. Accordingly, our "Fellow" members will be encouraged to assist "Non-Specialty" surgical assistants when they have questions or need expertise for their own specialty specific cases.
It is the plan of NSAA to develop other Fellowship specialties in the future. These will include Obstetrics-Gynecology, General Surgery, and Vascular Surgery just to name a few. Each group of fellows within the NSAA will be encouraged to develop an avenue of information helpful to others within NSAA.
The members of the Advisory Councils want to help you achieve your professional goals. Come join us so we can grow together. All you need to do is pick up an application by calling the office at 1-855-270-NSAA (also available on the NSAA website) or contact an NSAA board member. We look forward to hearing from you.